What am I doing?

Well....here goes. 

Blogging. I can't say this is something that I ever envisioned myself doing. Although that can be said for at least 70% of the things I've done in my life, so is essentially a moot point. 

I find myself here after dedicating myself to complete the 23 Things Digital. This being Thing 1. 

You know, my only real experience of Blogging is what I've seen in films, therefore I am stuck with this very movie like voice narrating my words as I type. It's quite distracting. 

Anyway, this is the Blog of Roz. I am Roz,  I can't promise entertainment, or many interesting reads, but i can get passionate about things, or annoyed about things and people tend to find that amusing so you never know. 

How would i describe myself? I am a woman, a worker, a mother and a friend. I have two kids and one on the way, my eldest is 18 and no fun at all, my youngest is 4 and a lunatic. I am 6 months pregnant with my first daughter who will either make me or break me I guess. 

Stereotypically, I probably have the most contradictory personality you will ever come across. I have copious amounts of tattoos from the shoulders down, however I adore Classical music and listen to it religiously. I own two Staffordshire Bull Terriers, and also a 140 year old solid Walnut upright piano that I've played since childhood. I tend to favour the villain in books and movies, Bats are my favourite animals but pink is my favourite colour. I am very Ying and Yang, black and white, I was a teen mum and then a 'mature' mum. I m both of everything I guess. 

I work five days a week because what else is there to do after a year in lockdown? 

I like too many things to mention and i dislike even more! 

I am currently racking my brains for a topic of which to base this blog but thus far I am coming up empty. It might come to me later. Who knows? 

In the meantime, please someone read this so i know it worked. 

Until next time.....


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