Thing 11 – Twitter
The dreaded Twitter, the one social media site that I just never understood. Is it my age? Well, thanks to Thing 11, I am now fully in the know and will be Tweeting like a bird from now on. So here's what i learned;
Tweet is the name given to the action of sharing your
thoughts on Twitter. You type your status and share it on your feed; you can
add up to four photographs, GIF’s or a video with your Tweet. Then you have the
option to notify other twitter users of your tweet using the @ tag, or you can make
your tweet easier to search by using a hashtag (#) to categorise it.
With Twitter you have the option to Follow other Twitter
users, this means that you essentially subscribe to their Tweets as a follower,
their updates will appear on your personal timeline and they can send you
direct messages.
Twitter Feed is simply an ongoing thread of Twitter
messages, so essentially a conversation which happens between Twitter users.
Twitter also offers the option of sending a Direct Message to
another user, this is basically a feature that allows you to have a private
conversation with another Twitter user that will not be available for others to
view on a Feed.
Retweeting is when you share an existing Tweet. There is an
easy option which allows you to share the content of someone else’s Tweet with all
of your followers with the click of a button.
Hashtag is one of the most popular and talked about features
of Twitter, this is when you use the # symbol to categorise your Tweet
therefore allowing it to be easily searched for by other users.
A Twitter Handle is the username that appears at the end of
your unique Twitter URL. It comes after the @ sign in your profile URL and it
is unique to your account. It allows people to search for you easily.
A Mention is a way for you to get another users attention,
normally used to start a conversation or debate, it is basically a Tweet that
includes the @ followed by your desired recipients’ username.
I found it to be fairly simple to navigate Twitter, the Help
section was particularly informative and helped me to make sense of the new-fangled
social media terminology. Google search contributed a little too.
I followed @kinshipscotland as I have personal experience
with being a kinship carer and I feel this is a topic that is underdiscussed
today and would be useful for Social Service Workers to be fully familiar with.
I also followed @ThePromiseScot who claim will deliver
change in Scotland’s care system and transform the wellbeing of children, young
people and families.
Finally, I followed @GenerationsWT – Generations working
together - who work with public, private and voluntary organisations to share
best practice, support and develop ideas for generations working together.
These Feeds could provide useful for other social service workers.
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